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test008 24-02-24 17:00 5회 0건


And no one knows how long the aftermath will last, which makes it all the more frustrating and scary. Then, what do  http://horsesite77.com    you think is needed to overcome the current crisis? It is necessary to create an environment where talented people can ride horses. This requires active efforts at the level o  http://horsesite77.com f the Korea Riding Association. Specifically, there may be efforts to establish an equestrian department at a new university, to restart the Sangmu Sports Unit. The most important thing is to create many good equestrian  http://horsesite77.com  competitions. If a competition with a high prize money is attracted, excellent athletes will try to achieve better results, and more students will naturally try to ride horses. Like all sports, some young promising  http://horsesite77.com  players will try to catch up on their success stories. Equestrian is the same. Son Myung-won, president of the Korea Riding Association, said if the equestrian community works together to  http://horsesite77.com  present a vision, companies will naturally support it. I don't think so. Which company will sponsor


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