
자유게시판 목록


페이지 정보

test008 24-10-20 16:58 2회 0건


The National Racing Authority criticized the cancellation of the race, which http://horsesite77.com

  was legally registered http://horsesite77.com in accordance with the autonomous decision of the individual facing the http://horsesite77.com  court. The new emergency committee said, "We will take legal action against the National Racing Authority, including a claim for damages, to compensate for the mental and material damages of the face-to-face who legally and normally applied for registration." On the 2nd, the new emergency committee sent a document to the face-to-face, "Notice of the February Race Refusal." The document e http://horsesite77.com xplained the process of http://horsesite77.com  canceli http://horsesite77.com ng the integrated race, and explained that the emergency committee http://horsesite77.com  has been confronting th http://horsesite77.com e dogma and authoritative behavior of the National Racing Authority since its formation, but far from changing, the violence has become more severe, and further consultations have been deemed impossible, so we have exercised our right to apply for the race as a last resort.


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