
자유게시판 목록


페이지 정보

test008 24-09-20 17:25 1회 0건


Do you have any special episode in Dubai? I don't have any special episode. If anything, we just talked http://horsesite77.com    about it as a joke. The last Godolphin Mile race was raining a lot the day before, and since other horses have not been in the rain-China race a lot, we jokingly said that we hope it will continue to rain. http://horsesite77.com Since we have run in rain and in wet sand, we thought that it would be advantageous if it keeps raining. But on the morning of the competition, it rained and it stopped, and when we ran the race, it http://horsesite77.com didn't rain. I heard that there was also a short episode about the encounter with Majuji Japan. I met Masu Yoshida of Japan in Dubai. It was the encounter of a famous Japanese horse, 'Nani'. We faced off on Super Saturday, and 'Triple Nine' took 5th place and 'Nani' took 6th place, so we won. Park Kang-ho, the ambassador to the United Arab Emirates, jokingly said, "Japan still won." And the word 'Nani' was 113 international rathttp://horsesite77.com   ings, so I later competed in the 2,000-meter race of the Dubai World Cup.


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