
자유게시판 목록


페이지 정보

test008 24-09-13 14:23 4회 0건


 Food and Rural Affairs Minister Lee Dong-pil at the Daejeon  http://horsesite77.com   Government Complex on the 16th th  http://horsesite77.com   at they will push for mountain riding through cooperation between the two organizations. According to the business plan, the   http://horsesite77.com   Korea Forest Service and the Korea Racing Authority will collaborate to draw a sketch of mountain riding to revitalize mountain sports. First of all, the Korea Forest Service will push for the revision of the upper and lower law  http://horsesite77.com   s of the Forest Recreation Act to establish legal st  http://horsesite77.com   andards for allowing mountain riding facilities. This is the first step to enable the install  http://horsesite77.com   ation of additional facilities   http://horsesite77.com   such as Martha, including a trekking course exclusively for horseback riding in forest-based mountain areas among co  http://horsesite77.com   nservation mountains. Mountain areas can be largely divided into conservation and semi-pre  http://horsesite77.com   servation mountains, which consist of mountain areas fo  http://horsesite77.com   r public use and forest-based mountains.  http://horsesite77.com   


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