
자유게시판 목록


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test008 24-08-21 14:58 3회 0건


This is specialized by incorporating "horse industry" into the industryhttp://horsesite77.com  . The best experts in the horse industry will be invited as professors to make it the best class. For example, in the course related to laws and regulations, they whttp://horsesite77.com  ill study laws related to the horse industry, and in the course of learning history, they will learn culthttp://horsesite77.com  ure and history of the entire horse industry. This course is conducted through remote classes through the Internet. http://horsesite77.com  You can learn anytime,http://horsesite77.com   anywhere conveniently, bhttp://horsesite77.com  eyond time and space. Whether you are abroad or in a rural area, you can learn if youhttp://horsesite77.com   have the will. If you want to learn the Korean horse industry overseas, such as in China and Southeast Asia, you are not restricted by space conditions. Since the curriculum can be conducted even at a remote place, leaders who are training in the field can obtain a master's dehttp://horsesite77.com  gree without coming to a lecture. And you can graduate by completing your major instead of your thesis.


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