
자유게시판 목록


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test008 24-08-19 17:39 4회 0건


As the first step in planning the inaugural special event, Woo Man-soo, secretary-general of the Livestock  http://horsesite77.comPolicy Division at the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, and Han Byung-yoon, the official in charge of the department, are at the forefront of Korea's horse industry policy, taking the lead http://horsesite77.com in discovering and deregulation policies centered on the field and continuing their steps at the level of the public and the field. On June 16, the Dong-A Ilbo met him at the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and  http://horsesite77.comRural Affairs in Sejong City and interviewed him about the present and future of the horse industry. The Dong-A Ilbo met Woo Man-soo, secretary-general of the Livestock Policy Division at the Ministry of  http://horsesite77.com Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs on the 3rd floor of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Affairs in Sejong City. In his third year since taking the post, he said, "I am sad that we have not been able to resolve various pendin http://horsesite77.com g issues, rather than expressing rewarding or fruitful


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