
자유게시판 목록


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test008 24-08-06 18:25 3회 0건


I think most of it will go according to the original plan. It will be http://horsesite77.com  finalized and innovation plans will be applied by mid-January next year," he said. "It is true that I participated in the competition with half expectations and half concerns. I always had expectations for the Breeders' Cup, but I think I came in third last year a http://horsesite77.com nd second the previous year. Horse racing did not mean http://horsesite77.com  that I did my best like a machine, but that the horse's condition on the day and the oppone http://horsesite77.comnt's power were all combined, and I am happy http://horsesite77.com  that it has led to a good result. Since open racing will continue to be added in the futu  http://horsesite77.com re, I think this is not the end but the part that we should continue to run.


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