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6 Methods Of What Is Billiards That may Drive You Bankrupt - Quick!

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Maura 24-08-04 15:33 11회 0건


Still, I think, on the whole, increasing age does carry some compensation for golfers; and I believe that when a man has played some years, and his handicap, may be, is brought from scratch to three, it is often found that his short game, especially his putting, is rather improved than otherwise. Driving off the tee for the majority of players is, I should say, on the whole the stroke where less foozling or bad play takes place than in any other stroke, and yet here is the case of a great player failing at it for four years, when he was very near the prime of life. But even if this is true of clubs, there is yet another aspect of the question, and that is, the question of distance. Closely connected with the question of nerve is that of temperament. There is another reason why golf is a greater test of nerve than billiards, and that is the variety of weapons that you must have for different strokes. But though golf may be more trying to the temper than any other game, every game has its trials. It is a trifling blot on a great game that putting, relatively to the rest of the game, is far too important.

But the ridiculous exhibition of temper and sulkiness that a great many players show habitually, only begins to be humorous when the game is over and the opponent of the irascible one is telling a congenial friend after dinner about it, and the offender is not present. Take a stroke of eighty yards and one of forty, the mashie or some sort of lofted iron would be used for both these shots; and yet a player knows that at one distance he has a good chance of making a good stroke, at the other distance his heart goes into his boots. You cannot win a match if you approach and putt badly; but there are some courses, Sandwich, for instance, where you may just as well go home as dream of winning a match or making a respectable score if you are "off" your driving. At Sandwich, therefore, you can with truth remark that the match cannot be won by the bad driver. Certain players, therefore, hate and cannot play with certain clubs; perhaps it may be said of a few, very few, that they play equally well or badly with all clubs.

But it is true of golf that you will find it impossible to avoid being compelled some time or other to play with a club you have little confidence in, and to negotiate distances you hate. In like manner, if a young golfer makes up his mind that he will not allow himself to be disturbed if a rook flies across the line of play, or his opponent talks to his caddie, he will find that such things will not disturb him and he will enjoy the game more himself and be a far pleasanter companion and opponent to everybody else. A funeral is not an exciting or particularly pleasant occupation, but there are many funerals where a dead silence is not more cultivated than at some golf matches; and it is stupid and useless to fly into a passion because somebody thirty or forty yards off who is not playing golf at all, or at any rate has nothing to do with you, talks or laughs so that you must hear him. It is possible to do it to a small extent only at golf. The game is played with three balls, two white and one red, with one of the white balls having a small red dot, or spot, to distinguish it.

It remains in wide use in certain applications, especially safe deposit locks, safes, small cabinet locks, and mailbox locks. These skills become very important when picking better quality locks, so take your time here. A golfer by practice may improve his play with a club, but he very likely will find that, during the time he has occupied himself with this club, another has mysteriously failed him; and in any case the terrible ordeal of putting has to be gone through, and it is the painful experience of bad putters that practice does by no means perfect, but only causes new terrors to appear. There are other players who have a fit if, when they have the honour, they find their opponent's ball teed up before their caddie has put their own on the tee. If you’re eliminated, though, you can be put back into the game if your opponent commits a foul. One man insists on having his caddie and everybody he may be playing with, fixed behind his back and nowhere else-on the absurd ground, I suppose, that if they take up their position in any other spot they catch his eye.

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