
자유게시판 목록


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test008 24-08-03 17:39 2회 0건


In response to a question on how to reflect 30 years of public service life http://horsesite77.com

  and experience in  http://horsesite77.com promoting agriculture in management principles, he announced the principle of "promoting work centered on high schools, prefectures, and governments" during his tenure as the head of the Rural Development Administration. It means, "Let's listen to the opinions of customers and the field by promoting customer-oriented and http://horsesite77.com  field-oriented work, and solve their difficulties and make them policy-oriented," he also said, "It means that it is important to listen to cu http://horsesite77.com stomers and the field." During his t http://horsesite77.com enure as the head of the Rural Development Administration, he promoted projects such as smart farm tech http://horsesite77.com nology development, establishment of sixth industrialization of agriculture, expansion of exports, and mechanization of field agriculture, and emphasized, "It is an achievement that could not have been achieved without understanding the difficulties of the field."


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